Drinks, Recipes

Firefly – the ALCONOT™ version

Ahh, welcome to the blank canvas that is the ALCONOT™ Signature Blend.

Firefly – the ALCONOT version


2 Measures of ALCONOT™ Signature Blend (ASB)- 50ml or 100ml if your feeling generous

1/2 a measure of quality non alcoholic orange syrup

1-2 measures of lemon juice OR grapefruit juice

A dash of foamed egg white

Cracked ice

Orange slice or orange peel (sliced and curled) for decoration.

The Mixology Bit

Carefully pour the ALCONOT™ Signature Blend and orange syrup and lemon or grapefruit juice into a cocktail shaker – shake vigorously, the more you shake the more the flavours will ‘combine’

Put the cracked ice in you glass of choice and slowly pour the shaken (not stirred) mixture into the glass (leave out the froth)

Wait for any froth that managed to escape to settle

Add a dash, whats a dash? a couple of tablespoons of whisked egg white over the liquid

Add the orange peel as decoration

Admire your work, take a picture post it on social media (don’t forget to put ALCONOT™ as a description) send us a link

Enjoy, one sip at a time and boast about it on your post and send us a link

If you want some additional notes of more flavour then you could add the perfect tonic from our partner from Fever Tree, use the link below to view their ever expanding range.


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