Drinks, Recipes

Refreshing Alcohol-Free Orange Blossom Cocktail Recipe

Ahh, welcome to the blank canvas that is the ALCONOT™ Signature Blend.

Orange Blossom with a refreshing alcohol free twist


Orange Blossom, a classic Gin recipe and now make your own alcohol free version.

2 Measures of ALCONOT Signature Blend – 50ml or 100ml if your feeling generous

1-2 measures of fresh orange juice or blood orange Juice to make it more colourful

Or if you prefer go for our perfect partner Fever Tree Italian Blood Red Soda: https://fever-tree.com/en_GB/products/italian-blood-orange-soda

Cracked ice

Orange slice or orange peel (sliced and curled) for decoration.

The Mixology Bit

Carefully pour our alcohol free Signature Blend and orange juice in to a cocktail shaker – shake vigorously.

Put the cracked ice in you glass of choice and slowly pout the shaken (not stirred) mixture including the froth

Add the orange slice or peel into the mixture or on the glass walls

Admire your work

Enjoy, one sip at a time.

Thank me later

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