ALCONOT™ – Mission, USP and Launch
Our USP: ALCONOT™ is an alcohol free, Halal, Vegan and vegetarian beverage brand for a NEW GINERATION™
Background and Mission
Creating a new brand is difficult and making sure that your message is not lost is a challenge.
We see this on our TV screens with interview processes where candidates are asked to create new brands and market them. Many have fallen because the brand and the products are poles apart.
Our goal was to have an alcoholic free brand that could be used in cocktails, mixers if you will, we saw that there were some real strong brands already in this space, all of them creating some premium flavours. We decided that this was not where we wanted to be. Most mocktails and cocktails have wonderful names but rarely delivery on the taste, using standard formulated mixers.
So we turned our attention to spirits, also a crowded market, especially for traditional alcoholic drinks. Our aim was alcoholic free versions. We closed in on Tequila, Gin, Sangria, oh, and beers.
With the branding, we needed a name that conveyed the message directly. It must say what it is in the name, we settled for ALCONOT™.
ALCO and NOT, the strap line ‘it is what is says‘ or “it says what it is” either way the brand works.
Development criteria
A premium all-inclusive alcohol free brand that
– Looks and feels like alcohol
– Is clean and sophisticated
– Is not alcohol and has taste and appeal for everyone
– Is certified Halal, Vegetarian and Vegan
– Is an “always sober”, “hangover free”, “drive safe” alternative.
– Safe for all to drink, whether your pregnant, on medication or you’ve never drank alcohol, ever.
Our testing showed we had wide appeal as we covered a large enough demographic, ranging from beer and spirit drinkers that did not want touch alcohol free to teetotallers, health conscious, gym and fitness types, expecting mum and students that never want to drink.
The launch of our ALCONOT™ Signature Blend in December 2023 at the Liverpool Gin festival was hugely encouraging, over 200 people visited the stall and provided 90+% positive feedback, the other 10% were there purely for the alcohol, even then they were positive about what we were doing and many liked the taste despite it being alcohol free.
Now we are developing more flavours and looking to reach more people.