
ALCONOT™ Signature Blend – Vegan Society Certification

November 2023 – ALCONOT™ Signature Blend – The Vegan Society Certification complete

United Beverages Limited (UBL) – are proud and extremely delighted to announce that the Vegan Society have certified ALCONOT™ Signature Blend. This achievement is a huge milestone on the road to developing an all inclusive drink and drinks brand. We were committed at the outset to ensuring inclusivity for all, whether they are an alcohol drinker, sober conscious or curious, tea-totaller or abstainer from a religious, cultural or health perspective. 

Having The Vegan Society accreditation makes a huge difference to our brand as we continue on our journey with other flavours.

UBL would like to thank, in particular, our auditor at The Vegan Society, Shell Barrett for her attention to detail and guidance on completing the process.

This will be the first of many.

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